Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Jessops Diamond 400

I reckon this is acutally just rebranded Fuji Superia. The colours are a lot more vibrant than the scans do justice. Although, I must say, I really wish I could use something faster than 400 sometimes.

Thursday, 24 May 2007

Fuji Superia 400 [expired]

So. First roll of Superia 400, which was a little out of date. Still came out pretty well, if I say so myself. Mangaed to get through the whole roll (pretty much) in one day. Also, about 10 frames were wasted when my camera got hijacked, but hey, no big. Good colour, very much like this film. Shooting in darker places also allowed me to try out the Olympus PS200 flash I bought the other day for a whopping £2, and it's actually very good. Anyway, more shortly, enjoy.

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Saturday, 19 May 2007

Elite Chrome 200

So, today a roll of outdated Elite Chrome 200 that I've had knocking about for a while. I'll be perfectly honest, I found the results rather dull, to say the least (although that was partly due to the fact that the monkeys at the lab don't seem to understand the concept of cross-processing). Anyway, I doubt I'll use that again. Also dropped off another roll of Jessops 400 film, and a roll of outdated Fuji Superia 400, to be done, so I'll get those up at some point.
So what I think I was trying to say is that I wasn't happy with the reuslts of the film, partly because it was a bit dull, and partly because I didn't seem to be able to focus properly. Either way, here's some of the shots.

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Friday, 18 May 2007

Ilford Pan 400

So I picked up a roll of Pan 400 from the college art shop the other day, shot it over two days, processed it this morning and scanned it before dinner. It's actually not a bad film, very similar to HP5, if slightly flatter. When it comes to Ilford film, I'm a sucker for Delta 400 and FP4, oh, and can't forget Pan F 50. Anyway, here's some of the shots.

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Friday, 11 May 2007

SFX200 [outdated]

So, another roll through the Trip. This time, an outdated roll of Ilford SFX 200, from September 2005. It's supposed to have extra red sensitivity, but I haven't really seen that. Processed myself, in Fotospeed FD10. Batch scanned with a Nikon Coolscan 4, which is why some of the frames are off. As always, the rest are on flickr.

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Thursday, 10 May 2007

The original test roll

As you may have gleaned from the previous post, there was something of a hoo-ha with the original test roll; it went AWOL, but I later found it hiding underneath my desk.
I now understand why. The results were bloody awful. I had no idea what I was doing with the camera at that point, plus the shots were, largely, disgustingly mundane, and those that were alright ended up spoilt by the shitty film I used. Teach me to think I'll get decent results from a free film. Truprint's finest, for those who're interested. Anyway, here's a couple of the shots from that original test roll. The rest, as always, on my flickr.

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Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Test Roll

Well. Today, after college, I picked up the test roll I put through the Trip. It's actually the second test roll, as I shot one and then proceeded to lose it. Yesterday, whilst plugging my Zen charger in under my desk, I found the original test roll, so I'll be getting that developed over the next few days.

Anyway, here are some of the shots:

More shots can be found on my flickr in the Trip 35 set. Oh, and just for your information it's Jessops Diamond 2 Everyday film. Just something cheap to serve the purpose.